Angelic Frequency ‘Tone’ & ‘Ambience’ (Digital) Album – mp3 & zip file
This Angelic Frequency Album is in a Digital Format.
This Digital Album will be sent to you in mp3 & zip file.
Use headphones, sit or lie back in a comfortable position, relax and let the tones clear you! Enjoy! Includes a 2 page instruction booklet (pdf)
Coming Soon
Track 1 - Intro |
Track 2 - 111 Hz Tone - The Holy Frequency: Promotes cell regeneration |
Track 3 - 111 Hz Ambience - The Holy Frequency: Promotes cell regeneration |
Track 4 - 222 Hz Tone - The Energy Balancer: Creates frequency alignment |
Track 5 - 222 Hz Ambience - The Energy Balancer: Creates frequency alignment |
Track 6 - 333 Hz Tone- The Holy Trinity: Realigns DNA and enhances consciousness |
Track 7 - 333 Hz Ambience- The Holy Trinity: Realigns DNA and enhances consciousness |
Track 8 - 444 Hz Tone- The Frequency of Angels: Aids Protection |
Track 9 - 444 Hz Ambience - The Frequency of Angels: Aids Protection |
Track 10 - 555 Hz Tone- The Soul Reset: Reconnects you with your pure, authentic self |
Track 11 - 555 Hz Ambience - The Soul Reset: Reconnects you with your pure, authentic self |
Track 12 - 666 Hz Tone - The Spiritual/Physical Balancer:Aligns your mind and body |
Track 13 - 666 Hz Ambience - The Spiritual/Physical Balancer:Aligns your mind and body |
Track 14 - 777 Hz Tone -The Golden Frequency:Attracts good luck and positivity |
Track 15 - 777 Hz Ambience -The Golden Frequency:Attracts good luck and positivity |
Track 16 - 888 Hz Tone - The Infinite Possibilities: Helps resolve and cleanse karmic patterns |
Track 17 - 888 Hz Ambience- The Infinite Possibilities: Helps resolve and cleanse karmic patterns |
Track 18 - 999 Hz Tone - The God Frequency: Elevates you to your highest potential |
Track 19 - 999 Hz Ambience - The God Frequency: Elevates you to your highest potentia |